A high percentage of RV'ers that winter over in Arizona (Snowbirds) are our neighbors from Canada. Al (Bayfield Bunch) and I do have some things in common. He was in the Navy (Royal Canadian, I believe) and I was in the US Navy for 23 years. We love photography with busy contrasting clouds, sunrises, sunsets, critters, and other photographic targets. One thing I didn't mention to Al is my mother is originally from Moncton, NB and only became a citizen of the US after delivering four brats (I'm #3 of 4). I still have a few cousins (from mom's brother) that live in Canada, one somewhere in BC. Understand I haven't seen my cousins since I was around 10 years old and that was 15 years ago. (All right, who is the mathmatician out there!!!) So it was 55 years ago. Dang!! They're old, too.
I can remember the summer trips to Canada during dad's vacations and seeing Great Uncles and Aunts that have long since passed. Mom's brother worked for the railroad several years until an injury sidetracked him forcing him into retirement/disability. I didn't attend his funeral because I was off the coast of Viet Nam at the time on an aircraft carrier and word didn't get to me until it was too late. I did make it to my dad's a few months later after flying half way around the world. I still miss him.
1 day ago
Kelly's actually an Ameican citizen with permanent residence status in Canada. She is from near Rochester New York & when she was small their family traveled to Canada as well.... on fishing trips. Yes, it was the Canadian Navy & I spent some time in onboard a DDH which is short for 'destroyer with a helicopter deck. Never did see a helicopter on board though.